Human trafficking is one of the darkest evils in our society today. It not only happens on
distant shores, it is happening in our nation, states, communities and neighborhoods. The
United States is the largest consumer of commercial sex worldwide, with untold millions of
trafficking victims trapped within our own borders. This is not only shocking, but alarming.
As a Church our eyes need to be opened to see the problem, so we can be part of the
solution – a place where the community can find recovery and restoration.
BLIND EYES OPENED features the stories of six courageous women who were trafficked
in America. Their accounts expose the reality that sex trafficking is happening in the United
States. This should cause us to pause and think about our own communities. While their
tragedies are difficult to hear, their testimonies are full of hope in Jesus Christ. They reveal
to us that even from the darkest pits of sex trafficking, God can and does restore.
This is approved for 18+. Childcare is available.